
@avclub-7f538a2a6877984c16a663af38fb84d3:disqus you don't think it would be mildly helpful to the police to know that the streets are mostly empty, leaving them in a place where anyone walking around in the emptiness might be identified as a possible suspect?

@avclub-c404a5adbf90e09631678b13b05d9d7a:disqus i get what you're saying in theory, but I would've had no moral compunction cheering if I was alive when Hitler died. But there's an exception to every rule, I suppose.

awful title *scratches it out on script*

@avclub-1faab713327e700e42d81a14cb4b60ba:disqus frankly i didn't think there was a reason to cast a Missendei if that doesn't happen. just replace Daario with six simple words: I'm not gay, but i'll learn

which is why i also mentioned that i know it's a small sample size.

i'd wager 3/4 of the texts my friends and I exchange are parts of Simpsons and Seinfeld quotes meant to be finished.

look, i know jack about 4H, but if they help butcher those cows, i'm all for them!

@avclub-c9be0674ead9b2448c14d31c64f2b01b:disqus got the Vocabulary tape instead of the Dieting one, didn't ya?

"i don't know what phallocentric means, but NO GIRLS!"

@avclub-0840875a9da6f24c4e0fc883b399d93a:disqus my view of that was, at that point Cersei was so out of control and so desperately hated Tyrion that she would've blamed him if he had an alibi for being in Lys at the time (ok, maybe Astapor is a better example than the home of apparently all poison in Westeros).

so you've met my father?

i dunno about "doing fine"

@avclub-b476828992f393a09339cf6270d30aa8:disqus and @avclub-e57dbebc740250d2c4a370cf6ccb35f0:disqus win the internet today as far as I'm concerned. Margaery Rodriguez

gotta head west to go east….

@avclub-b56086d2aeaac8ca31834f58bf7af9b6:disqus or keep daario and leave out the pages upon pages of Dany fantasizing about boning the dude. Jeeeezus, I love me some GRRM writing, but that shit was awful.

they'll rename the path that she and Sam take back to the wall "The Trail of Tears"


i know not a single person who watches GoT because of the sexposition. Granted it's a small sample size, but still. I think we're being a wee-bit glib here.

Sorry - nope. All the pieces of confusion that people are having, the jumping around in storylines, the detail - the books have it on the series in spades.

if tywin can make joffrey less of a dick (assuming that's what joffrey likes), he'd make a killing doing corporate gigs doing the same.