I'd have to disagree - he mentioned why logistically it wouldn't work for TV.
I'd have to disagree - he mentioned why logistically it wouldn't work for TV.
Yeah but Sorkin was really the only voice on the show, no matter which writers got credited. Harmon, while apparently a bit controlling, managed to retain some writers from season to season (which Sorkin had trouble with) so part of me feels like there should be enough continuity to keep character understanding in…
Unfortunately it's like we've become Troy and Abed during their pillow fight war - seems like more disagreements amongst us than with the reviewer. I miss the Harmon-y of previous seasons' boards
If Harmon could do callbacks to his own show while he was still on it, I really don't understand what the problem is with callbacks now. If there's too many for some people, someone's going to have give me the quota per episode they're judging that on.
Way not to be condescending and implying only the dumb or high could possibly laugh at this episode. I will ask you in the future to inform me when something is sufficiently funny for the smart.
@avclub-8295e428ce420ab52401e3a18aa8d69c:disqus ganz left for Modern Family after this season went in the can, to my understanding. I could be wrong.
i like "amirite" but still dig it
Not sure who you're replying to here. Either way I agree, but if it's him, I would recommend re-reading what I said initially and reconsider the interpretation.
love the screen name
Obviously this edited video is repellant and horrid and the person responsible represents the dregs of society, but this is exactly the type of dumb thing Family Guy would do anyways; it's just this time MacFarlane himself is offended.
shut it down, buddy. leave on a high note. it'd be tough to beat 450 again
I don't know that I'd characterize it as abandonment. She left Winterfell not to go jaunting around Kings Landing and Westeros as a whole; she left to try and get to the bottom of Bran's attempted murder(s).
The best part of the whole exchange is Homer brandishing a knife at Bart
SCDP vs Gary's Old Towne Tavern?
@avclub-cee3162a27e516aea7fde212b5da1460:disqus yeah i wouldn't read any homosexual context into it. To me, what they "are" is what both Peggy and Don abhor in a professional context: stupid.
So Leopold's been a big part of post season 10 simpsons?
I don't agree with much of what Cat has said/done, but I certainly don't hate her, mostly for the reasons you mentioned.
I would have to think it's the Dreadfort. Too bad we probably won't ever get in a swoop in on the Dreadfort during the title sequence.
@avclub-a1967e6de4ca99fb2635d94b99453928:disqus thank you - i knew somebody had stopped by that inn again.
I was thinking the same thing. And Baelish's spot as a proprietor of flesh wasn't as played up in the books than in the series (though if he ran one of those stew places I bet we'd have chapter after chapter about it), so it would make sense the show acknowledges that Pimp Daddy Littlefinger has got these brothels…