
In book 5, they spent a bit of time going flashing back to what happened to Theon once Winterfell had been sacked (boy I love a show that lets me use that phrase), things that were happening during books 3 and 4 that we didn't see him for. (and let's not forget 3 and 4 cover roughly the same period of time).

I'm always suspicious of those on Newbies thread who seem to nail the plot down exacty. Almost half of them I assume are book-readers who are just presenting what they know as theories. Why would they do that? no earthly clue. Must've all had fathers like Tywin.

That's why I was assuming Hot Pie would be around for most of this season - not too shabby getting to go to all premiere for about 20 minutes of screentime this year.

it's honestly like watching a bunch of kids playing with a new puppy thinking they'll have it for the rest of their lives, but as Louis CK puts it, it's really just a gift of sadness.

@avclub-75e6c28abfa3e8b777a0045fecc2deaf:disqus has got it - they did find it last year. I actually use that as the basis of when i can expect Sam Slayer - if they show that scene in next week's "previously on" then I guarantee it'll happen then.

Why even bother trying to even hint at things known to not be welcome on this board. Grow-up and go to the experts thread - nobody wants your supposedly clever references here.

Agreed. It'd take too long at this point to intro Edric but it defangs Davos' story a little.

Or enough "hars".

Does anybody even know who Kevan is on the show? Seriouslyn- has he been shown?

Agreed. I don't think we've seen anything of Howland at all, books or show.

Curb Your Thrones

He kills the other after Craester's, doesn't he?

*gentle sobbing*

I dunno, house Mormons seems pretty shitty all around (not Jorah or his dad, but they were definitely out taking a leak when territory was being given out

Little comic relief at a seminal moment in a boys life that lasted maybe 2 minutes. It was funny to som, like me, who don't even like CBS shows. No big deal ,

One can only hope he stabs a horse while singing Mr Roboto with a hook on his hand.

Fun for a bit, but may have run its course.

Casting Brutus from Rome does not hurt their ability to convey so much with so little. Man that guy's got a weasely face

Try and take the high road all you want, the dickishness and snippiness you refer to was started by you, my friend.

@avclub-0a7d7a81e8e3a20e4c34748e98ef45f6:disqus I really don't think you're picking up what I'm putting down here, man, and am leaping to some conclusions that lead you to sound kind of dickish. I am not saying your opinions on the character are invalid; in fact I specifically stated that you are more than entitled to