
I can say for a fact that the playing up of the hunger games aspect is misleading in the promos and a result of Sony wanting to cross promote the hunger games as much as possible since it's so popular and they think there will be a bleed over of fans (hint: there won't be)

I would keep watching in order - part of the joy of the show is seeing these characters grow and evolve with each other. Plus the show in general is heavy on callbacks and meta references so I think it'd be more satisfying to see in order.

They are promoting the hunger deans aspect due to Sony's insistence to do so in promos since that's their property as well.

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I actually always demand the buffer seat in that situation, not because of the gayness, but just because if i don't need to sit right next to somebody, i'd rather have the space.

I'm actually kind of surprised it wasn't mentioned in any review I've read thus far. It didn't matter to me if they paid any lip service to Liddy or not, but for whatever reason while watching I thought, "man are people gonna be honked off at that.'

They had a trailer for a rom-com with her and Paul Rudd during one of the first few commercial breaks.

For me, Community. For whatever reason after my mom passed away I just watched seasons 1 and 2 over and over and they were the only thing that got me to smile, or even laugh, for quite some time. It's great how pop culture can do that kind of thing for you sometimes.

I managed to get a preview screening of the first 2 eps - there are moments where it feels like it's trying too hard to be community, but others where it just feels normal. I think our perceptions as fans who know that the original showrunner was booted will always muddy how we perceive this final run of episodes in

oh good god seeing Alex fly up in the air and that fantastic landing into the coffee table had me literally worried I wouldn't be able to stop laughing and breathe. The look on her face is priceless.

This actually redeems Casey Wilson for me from her SNL days - I just didn't think she was that funny in her rare appearances on screen, and I did kind of worry about that when I started watching this show. But damn if she ain't amazing. I still laugh every time I think of her in the full body cast lurching about to

And knowing is half the battle!

Reminded me of Dark Helmet from Spaceballs, but I really enjoyed the fact that Max felt no need to hide the action figures when someone entered the apartment. no shame!

Well to be fair the kickball episode represents the only episode aired out of order since P&P Romance Factory started. Other eps he may not have appeared in but I think that's more believable - they couldn't possibly spend every waking minute together.

I was afraid the whole episode would be them being unable to tell Max that he didn't actually win the lottery, so I was relieved when it turned into a prank war instead. 

Oh yeah that line got a few rewinds from me

"It was awful how he came unglued."

Yeah I got sucked in by that comeback, and had a few issues for a few years. it is most definitely NOT as harmless as pot.

I couldn't believe it when I found out, either. The title really messes with you.

Wow, you really zinged that fucker!