ON that we can agree
ON that we can agree
Internet winner of today, folks.
Honestly I wouldn't say anything either of those two episodes implied any interest on Michael's part in Lindsay.Sadly and confusingly to me, sometimes siblings can be best friends, and saying "if they weren't sibling's that's when they would've kissed" is a little like saying "if they weren't vegans this is where…
But it's not as if if the new episodes are bad, the old ones will suddenly also become bad. That's what I don't get about people who say a new remake/prequel/adaptation of a beloved property somehow lessens the original. The original will always be the original - nothing can tarnish that. The new episodes could suck…
That's what diving in headfirst to 3rd would imply. Diving headfirst into second would be, and pardon my inability to put this any more delicately, mouth on boobies.
"Would you like some cream too?" —— "uhhhh, nope"
"Would you like some cream too?" —— "uhhhh, nope"
I'll never get over how funny the line reading of "OHHHH MY GOOOD!" is
I'll never get over how funny the line reading of "OHHHH MY GOOOD!" is
@avclub-5855660034a74cfe0e5fc8d57d17f4ac:disqus thanks for the clarification. In the completely legitimate fashion in which I obtained the season 2 episodes, this came after the wedding, but maybe they didn't know what to do with it. Probably makes more sense given Dave and Alex's relationship progress at that wedding.
@avclub-27f25a698f8a6b21da65e6d705e0c353:disqus wayyyy ahead of you man. took me a little bit of time but completely worth it.
I saw this a month ago when I was (via legitimate means only) watching all the episodes of HE to catch up to this show everyone was talking about.
LeBlonde Jane
I've played in kickball leagues where there are people kinda like that - the nervous shuffle waiting for the ball to get there….
I think it was primarily Bad News Bears inspired, but I would imagine much of the League of their Own connection-making probably had to do with the sister v sister standoff in the semifinals….
yeah……those were unreal. if i spent that time on my abs, you'd be damn sure i'd want the show to allow me to show them off a few times a season, at least….
Well let's face it they didn't go into this arc without having already given themselves an out, unless you believe Parker was meant to be killed off for all eternity, which I don't think anyone really believes.
Based off one scene from one episode out of 13? Seems a little hasty.
I'm sure he was pleased with your enthusiasm at going down on him?
I think that was a line from "I'm Bad" wayyyyy back in the day from LL.