
I believe that was confirmed - maybe on the commentary for the film? IIRC, I think Pitt asked to have that be a character trait.

I believe that was confirmed - maybe on the commentary for the film? IIRC, I think Pitt asked to have that be a character trait.

You must hate every movie that ever has a scene at night - wetting down the streets is a fairly common practice for anybody shooting at night on pavement. i'm not busting your chops - just that I can't think of many movies that don't do it.

You must hate every movie that ever has a scene at night - wetting down the streets is a fairly common practice for anybody shooting at night on pavement. i'm not busting your chops - just that I can't think of many movies that don't do it.

English subtitles on Korean movies tend to be done very poorly. There isn't one Korean film I've seen (even the ones like Oldboy that I love) where half my time isn't spent thinking, "why would they translate it that way?" After a while I just stopped putting on the subtitles, but then I remembered I'm not fluent

English subtitles on Korean movies tend to be done very poorly. There isn't one Korean film I've seen (even the ones like Oldboy that I love) where half my time isn't spent thinking, "why would they translate it that way?" After a while I just stopped putting on the subtitles, but then I remembered I'm not fluent

Sweet - you just reminded me I forgot to send my, "Thanks for teaching me that racism is BAD" letter to Paul Haggis. 

Sweet - you just reminded me I forgot to send my, "Thanks for teaching me that racism is BAD" letter to Paul Haggis. 

I seem to remember this happening frequently on the West Wing. I don't think Toby ever finished a meal with anyone he had to eat with.

I seem to remember this happening frequently on the West Wing. I don't think Toby ever finished a meal with anyone he had to eat with.

Perhaps its just me and my friends having watched too many movies over the years, but almost none of us ever say "hello" or "goodbye" on the phone.

Perhaps its just me and my friends having watched too many movies over the years, but almost none of us ever say "hello" or "goodbye" on the phone.

@avclub-29501df08e5d9ae59e432e4f188d3735:disqus Well the movie wasn't assuming you read anything; whether or not you found Nero's backstory (or lack thereof) in the movie alone to be enough or not is really up to you as a viewer. Plenty of people (myself included) liked the movie in spite of that (and many other)

@avclub-29501df08e5d9ae59e432e4f188d3735:disqus Well the movie wasn't assuming you read anything; whether or not you found Nero's backstory (or lack thereof) in the movie alone to be enough or not is really up to you as a viewer. Plenty of people (myself included) liked the movie in spite of that (and many other)

My buddy cut the trailer for that movie - he told me it was literally the worst thing he'd ever seen (not that it's surprising - i just hate it when things don't live down to expectations)

My buddy cut the trailer for that movie - he told me it was literally the worst thing he'd ever seen (not that it's surprising - i just hate it when things don't live down to expectations)

"Luke be a Jedi tonight, just be a jedi tonight, do it for Yoda while we serve our guests a soda, uh and do it for Chewie and the Ewoks, and uh all the other puppets!"

"Luke be a Jedi tonight, just be a jedi tonight, do it for Yoda while we serve our guests a soda, uh and do it for Chewie and the Ewoks, and uh all the other puppets!"

Do you keep a list of things you hate on your desk at all times, @alexdssf:disqus ? it's gotta be tiring to spend the time to watch enough of this many things to truly hate them.

Do you keep a list of things you hate on your desk at all times, @alexdssf:disqus ? it's gotta be tiring to spend the time to watch enough of this many things to truly hate them.