
@avclub-4d3bac64f0fbcc90a6b5c82f09ea4418:disqus yeah even the writers on the commentary acknowledge that they thought it was creepy as hell too.

@avclub-4d3bac64f0fbcc90a6b5c82f09ea4418:disqus yeah even the writers on the commentary acknowledge that they thought it was creepy as hell too.

I have no idea why, but Homer's repeated bafflement at the term "hired goons" leaves my dying laughing every single time I see it. I'm not even sure what the implication there is, that he doesn't understand what a hired goon is, why they'd be necessary, or whatnot. It's just the funniest damn line reading.

I have no idea why, but Homer's repeated bafflement at the term "hired goons" leaves my dying laughing every single time I see it. I'm not even sure what the implication there is, that he doesn't understand what a hired goon is, why they'd be necessary, or whatnot. It's just the funniest damn line reading.

The infinite comics thing is no joke. As tablets become even more ubiquitous I can't imagine that more and more integral parts of the story will be told this way.

The infinite comics thing is no joke. As tablets become even more ubiquitous I can't imagine that more and more integral parts of the story will be told this way.

Bullshit. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Bullshit. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

I love "All the President's Heads" for one reason and one reason only: "I'm going to say something nobody has ever had to say before: I need to get to Philadelphia as quickly as possible!"

I love "All the President's Heads" for one reason and one reason only: "I'm going to say something nobody has ever had to say before: I need to get to Philadelphia as quickly as possible!"

Well I think the point was that it can differ within states too. People from NYC usually call pop "soda", but most of the rest of the state is "pop". So I wouldn't necessarily take your own personal experience as being representative of this made up town.

Well I think the point was that it can differ within states too. People from NYC usually call pop "soda", but most of the rest of the state is "pop". So I wouldn't necessarily take your own personal experience as being representative of this made up town.

This is the ultimate freshman year of college argument. You move to the dorms, start talking to people, and then out of nowhere you get the traditional pop vs. soda cagefight

This is the ultimate freshman year of college argument. You move to the dorms, start talking to people, and then out of nowhere you get the traditional pop vs. soda cagefight

@avclub-1881baeccb7399f3452cd7f37cdb2b29:disqus they taught a class on what to call pop/soda in Indianapolis? Awesome.

@avclub-1881baeccb7399f3452cd7f37cdb2b29:disqus they taught a class on what to call pop/soda in Indianapolis? Awesome.

I always try to fill in all the bleeps in GOB's speech. I wish the DVD had extras where they told what exactly the writers wrote. As far as I can tell, the first bleep, the bleep after "finger", and the last two bleeps are fairly obvious, but the other ones could almost be anything…

I always try to fill in all the bleeps in GOB's speech. I wish the DVD had extras where they told what exactly the writers wrote. As far as I can tell, the first bleep, the bleep after "finger", and the last two bleeps are fairly obvious, but the other ones could almost be anything…

You watched all 4 seasons of a show you hate? That, sir, is some true commitment.

You watched all 4 seasons of a show you hate? That, sir, is some true commitment.