
I had the pleasure of opening for Guantanamo Baywatch in Memphis. They're a righteous surf band and—though their trashy image and song titles like "Cum Fart Food" might indicate otherwise—a really intelligent and super-nice group of folks. Glad to see them on here.

Man, I've written out about five different things to say about all this, but really it just blows my mind that this man has written some of the most provocative, interesting, and engaging fiction that I've read in my entire life and I'd have never heard of him unless I read comics. People, Grant Morrison is a

If we're going with NJ connection and Boss-love, Titus Andronicus totally makes the cut. I actually just saw them with Mr. Leo and they both covered Cock Sparrer instead of Springsteen, but I've seen both bands play Springsteen covers on different occasions.

It sucks
that when a good show is on television, we have to automatically assume that it won't last long. I mean, at this point, do ratings mean anything? Everyone watches everything on Hulu anyway.

I love
This animation style. It's so vivid and ridiculous.