Der Wanderer

You know what? I'm infuriated by people constantly backlashing against Avatar by comparing it to Dances With Wolves/FernGully/Pocahontas/etc., or being offended by its allegedly "racist"/anti-military overtones, or complaining that it had a bad script (um, yes).

Not so much art as an approach to art, but…
Culturally-based art criticism, particularly when it's written in professor-ese. I mean, I'm sure for some things it's valid, but every time I see, like, a homosexual reading of Moby-Dick or whatever I get pissed off to an irrational degree. Because that's that many fewer

is he a big William Hung fan?

I don't know Polymorphia, but Penderecki kicks ass. I suppose Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima would count as "noise music" (though it's obviously acoustic and not electronic noise), though I prefer the St. Luke Passion (some of which would probably fall under that definition).

Fine, I will. In music, "neo-classical" refers to a period in the early twentieth century when composers like Stravinsky reacted against what remained of the (perceived) musical and emotional excesses of Romanticism (as in Schoenberg et al.'s Expressionism and the huge orchestras of Stravinsky's early ballets) and

I don't think the AV Club knows what "neo-classical" means.

1990, and holy crap there are people here significantly younger than me? Daamn.

Yeah, that wasn't great. Apparently middle-aged men spouting managerial platitudes turn her on.

Yeah, at first I didn't believe it because Michael has always acted perfectly reasonable (for him) on dates with women (that he likes)—pretty sure Holly never got a glimpse of Date Mike. But Michael has always just done whatever without thinking about it much if he decides it's cool, and it's perfectly plausible that

Oh, "refund"/"refill." That makes more sense…I thought she said "he spilled my drink and wouldn't even give me a reason!"

Clockwork Orange and Donnie Darko are my two examples of "the soulless executives were right and the visionary artist was wrong." I'm sure there are more.

Honestly, I thought that's who this was going to be about and I was like, awesome

Yeah, it's really not that hard. It's not like it's a different syntax, just English where some of the words are different. The only word I can think of that doesn't necessarily have a 1:1 equivalent in English is "horrorshow."

No, it's awful. "Moral progress" I'm fine with, but Alex's "progress" in the 21-chapter Clockwork Orange would go something like assault-rape-rape-murder-assault-assault-robbery-murder-rape-I WANT TO HAVE BABIES. It's just from a completely different book, with entirely different themes and concerns.

SimpleGreen: Think you're thinking of HOWARDS END. REMAINS OF THE DAY would be more like "You see Anthony Hopkins being sad, except right in front of your face."

Hey, where the HELL is all the pie?

Plus, I don't know that the film will make that much in DVD/Blu-Ray sales, because (though I liked the film quite a lot) there'd be absolutely no damn point in seeing it that way. Obviously some people will buy it because people will buy anything, but it won't be nearly as big on DVD as it was/will be in theaters.

Oh so apparently this is a reference. Well, screw it.

I hope they like jokes on the moon because THAT'S WHERE YOU'RE GOING.