Der Wanderer

I agree. The baby aside, I laughed more at this episode than at any other in a long time. And honestly, it's about eight hundred times better than what anyone thinks of when they here "sitcom baby episode."

"Wait, you want to eat cat food with Kevin instead of going to the hospital?"

Also, crazy Jim reading delivery books: "Five to seven minutes! Five to seven minutes! Six minutes! Different, but not really!"

"Four" is actually the name of his childhood sled.

Yeah, TOY STORY would have been much better in live-action.

How about The Nightmare Before Christmas? It's about finding the true meanings of Halloween AND Christmas! Win-win!

@Lobsters 1: Arrested Development?

Uncle Jack.

My dad wanted me to thank you for the romantic getaway. Don't tell me what that means.

I'm getting damn tired of all the hipster contrarianism around here. DAMN tired. Arrested Development indeed.

Depends on whether you prefer desert sojourns to bourbon-fueled twilight musings, I guess.

Just finished it, and I don't really have anything to add (after all, 1/4 of the book is only about thirty pages), except that it's sort of annoying that the two stories (the real one, and the frame one about the guy watching "Twenty-Four-Hour Psycho") are given a point of connection when they don't really need to

I was just joking, but I have seen (similarly joking) accusations of "failed [fraction]sies." I'VE SEEN IT, I TELL YOU.

75% done
…and I don't think it's C+ material, but it's certainly kind of disappointing. The only DeLillo I've read is WHITE NOISE, which is amazing; the new book is sort of in the same vein (in themes, a little bit, but mostly in style) but without any incident or humor or color or real characters to leaven the dense

Chareth Cutestory, pirate lawyer.

There was a Hardy Boys book based on that story.

DUBLINERS as a whole wouldn't be too bad, actually (as a series of fifteen short films? I dunno).

When I read AS I LAY DYING I remember thinking that it would make a real good Coen Brothers movie (though it would have to be almost as grim-faced as NO COUNTRY).

@Totz Jr: According to the band, the name was an reference to the off-color names of Dixieland bands (which was made pretty obvious in "Cherry Poppin' Daddy Strut," a Dixieland-ish track from FEROCIOUSLY STONED and ZOOT SUIT RIOT). Not that it's actually "good," but, you know.

Hey, another one of the songs on ZOOT SUIT RIOT was an up-tempo number about child abuse.