
Just letting you know, in 10), The Decembrists should be The Decemberists, like the month.

i thought Silver Linings Playbook didn't look very good either because the trailer made it seem like it was two fucked up people trying to help each other. cliches exist for a reason. they work. it just matters how good the execution is, like it was in SLP

Wow, thank you for responding to my ignorance so politely and eloquently. Much appreciated.

Wow, thank you for responding to my ignorance so politely and eloquently. Much appreciated.

Are we all just going to let it go that the reviewer miswrote Driving Miss Daisy? Unless he's referring to the lesser known adaptation in which Morgan Freeman pushes Jessica Tandy around in a wheelchair.

Are we all just going to let it go that the reviewer miswrote Driving Miss Daisy? Unless he's referring to the lesser known adaptation in which Morgan Freeman pushes Jessica Tandy around in a wheelchair.