
I think protecting his own identity was secondary motivation, at best. I was under the impression that he did not want to see this man suffer through the last six weeks of his life in agony. It reminded me of when Swearengen killed Reverend Smith.

We call him 'Apple Eater'.

Much like I only watch Criminal Minds for my team, I only watch The Blacklist for the criminals (including Red). I really don't give a damn about Lizzie and think anyone could've played her. And trying to give the invisible and worthless Ressler a 'catch phrase' (Let's ROLL!) is just gag-worthy.

So much THIS. I adored these movies and still do for all the reasons you've given and more. Was absolutely convinced I was going to marry D'Artagnan, and loved the gritty sloppiness of the sets, the fights, the SWORDFIGHTS were magnificent! Everything looked like it should've. Everyone was usually dirty, except for

Anyone care for a Space-food Stick?
1961. Fuck.