Tim Lieder

The argument that the fans are insane is a little sad. Yes. There are Bronies who think that their non-conforming to gender stereotypes is so awesome that they might as well be parts of the LGBT community and then there are bronies who are part of the LGBT community.

Or Batman. Or Superman. Or the fucking Transformers.

The cloppers are the ones who want to have sex with the ponies.

I saw a DVD of about 6 episodes interspersed. It's a cute intelligent show with enough enthusiasm to entertain. And women look incredibly hot cos-playing the ponies.

One of the biggest blocks for my enjoyment of Scrubs was just how much I started hating JD. It's like he's even worse than Zach Braff who plays him.

So I think we're all in agreement. Sean O'Neal should stick to the easy targets like Orson Scott Card. Then he can be as douchey as he wants without pushback.

Douchey is a accurate.

The AV Club wants to troll its readers. Start writing about Watchmen will bring in the Moore fans.

Maybe Sean should only write about the Left Behind series.

Alan Moore was re-imagining established character and deconstructing the form.

Sean is being threatened. Sean is not being celebrated for slamming on Alan Moore. Sean must behave douchey to maintain dominance.

All the good writers left. It's only Sean. On some nights if you are in the right neighborhoods, you can see him wandering around with his cell phone on his ear crying "Come back Nathan!!! Come back!!! The whole site is going to shit without you."

Not really much hypocrisy when he is absolutely 100% correct about the kind of shit that people make with his work.

I don't think it has reached the level of hating yet.

It was a bullshit lawsuit where the company that ripped off Moore's idea turned around and sued him. They had the lawyers. He had the beard.

But Wendy showing off her hairy vagina to Captain Hook the pedophile is already in his comics (beautifully rendered and painted too)

Or one could point out that the movie for League of Extraordinary Gentlemen was such a terrible piece of shit that everyone involved in the movie should be shipped off to the nearest oil spill and thrown in with rocks tied around their legs.

Meth blows up easily - usually taking out a few blocks. That's why it's a redneck drug.

Did the cars rise up when the humans all left to become fatties? Or did that happen afterwards?

Tony Scott was a good director. NOt all of his movies were great, but most were entertaining.