
"Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" was another unnecessary remake.

I'm interested enough to watch it.  I don't really see the point.

On Stage 9 at the Menses fair right after Hedwig

I agree with @avclub-c5c65096ceb456334f71d54eb3e152d0:disqus .  I found the accents (other than Alex's) to generally be WAY over the top.  Kate Mulgrew's was so distracting that it was half an episode before I realized that it was Captain Janeway.

My favorite part of the article is the phrase "male dominated."  That implies that there's at least one woman on the list; and outside of a couple of ventriloquist dummies I didn't see anyone without a Y chromosome.

Are you M. Night Shamaladingdong via Seth Green?

I, too, get Peter Boyle stuck in my head whenever I hear "Puttin' On The Ritz."

I would enjoy the notion of an AVC feature called "Halfhearted Pop Culture Mashups" without ever reading more than the headlines.

Yeah, that was not funny enough to justify the ad.


This is one of those movies that I have difficulty avoiding when I see it on the guide. Another good choice for a semi-interactive scene with the two of them would be the one in the shipping yard.

You're a professional writer.  Find a silly detail, and make the anecdote a story.

I spent that whole time waiting for a punchline and the closest I got was the Dumbledore/Gruber thing.

I was thinking book.  Now I'm thinking Allintil.

The entirety of the "Hitchhikers'' series, without which my life would be considerably more reverent

I'm usually harshly critical of the new incarnation of the show, and I found this to be very strong. 

I just saw the "The Doctors Revisited" about Tom Baker and they said almost exactly the same thing about the difference between him and Pertwee.

I am really sick of the Borg being touted as the greatest SF—or even the best Trek—villain.  Like many good ideas in commercial, serialized fiction they became a well dug so wide that it was tough to miss on the way to other stories.  I have this same complaint about Doctor Who often enough. The ONE major baddie from

Did you not see that as a direct throw to QI?

Is the singing in "Browsers" genuine?  If not, how much assistance do the evil computers provide?