
Did nobody else see the burning guys from the future as a direct reference to Gulliver Foyle?

I hope when he releases it for purchase he includes a longer set.  There are a TON of bits from the tour that I would have preferred over some of the things he did include.

Just because you download something, it doesn't necessarily follow that you watch it.

Sure. That and the dynamically configurable touch screen interface device.

I don't know that we should be protecting large companies from the same tactics they employ themselves.  Companies like Apple file patent suits against other companies (like Samsung, equally guilty of these sorts of behaviors) over technologies which, for example, were introduced in "Star Trek" 25 years ago.

You had me until, "…and, yes…"

Do they count it in "Elightened"'s favor if we go through On Demand or HBO Go  to start from the beginning?

As usual, no Stephin Merritt.  

You're right. Only his heart dies.

The list goes on and on; but I'm too lazy to do it, which is why I said that I'd like to see it.

Ronin is at the CENTER of the circle.  GoT is an outlier, because he was an honorable person.  LOTR  is debatable.  Red Riding is right in there. 

I would like to see the Venn diagram of "Movies in which Sean Bean plays a character who dies" and "Movies in which Sean Bean plays an insufferable cock."

I really don't see the Huxtables' sexuality as an aspirational element of their relationship.  In fact, I see theirs as a marriage where, while sex is important and fun, sex is not the driving force.  I think the fact that they could communicate and compromise through the bullshit of all their children continually

We could always, you know, wait until we've at least seen a trailer before we judge it.

And apparently there's a TARDIS bottle episode in our future.

And apparently there's a TARDIS bottle episode in our future.

The best part of the opener was that Armisen's Spanish is better than Bloomberg's.  The subtlety of that was better than if they had beaten us over the head with an even shittier rendition.

The best part of the opener was that Armisen's Spanish is better than Bloomberg's.  The subtlety of that was better than if they had beaten us over the head with an even shittier rendition.

What about Hollis Henry?  Can it be Gibson's turn again soon?

What about Hollis Henry?  Can it be Gibson's turn again soon?