
That was completely unexpected? Seriously?  I knew they'd find a way to bring the father back as soon as they showed him dying.

"no SyFy Original Movie has ever successfully executed a cool concept well"

Actually there's no threshold for being a philosopher.  My point was that he's not a bullshit schticky standup. 

Have you heard what he has to say?  He's not Robin Williams, doing stupid impressions of stereotypical Arabs.

I actually saw this show live.  He's at the top of his game.  Much like Gregory Hines in "History of the World," he's a standup philosopher as much as he's a comic.

My wife got mad at me for not paying attention to this mess.  This one was worse than the Spanish ghost bride fiasco.

Things that are crap but are insanely fun to watch also get fives.  The shining example here is "Sleepaway Camp."

I guess whatever they said on Ology was correct; it's already been pulled.

This was the first unironic 5-star review my wife and I gave on Netflix. It the kind of phenomenal television that can only be made somewhere other than America.

Then they should have hired someone they found competent. And even if they didn't trust him with the information it's pretty shitty to tell the world.

The "SHOrunners" thing after the episode demonstrated just how little respect the producers have for anyone involved, let alone the viewers.  This super-secret fact which was apparent to anyone watching and must have been deadly obvious to those reading the scripts, was concealed even from Colin Hanks, so he wouldn't

I don't think it's *awful;* but it's certainly a shadow of its former self.

But that's exactly what I'm saying. You're witnessing symptoms of the disease that is American television.  You can't just have a show with a defined arc and let it run its course.

Well, there aren't a lot of caverns under Miami.

I'm sure there are plenty of sycophantic Dexter sites out there somewhere.

Since we already know that the show has been renewed, there are no real stakes for Dexter the character. This is now nothing more than a procedural with a few bumps along the road.

Why is nobody talking about high-speed cloning?  Maybe it's a secret organization… or the government.

The best part about that was how they felt the need to follow what was a fairly subtle pass with a zoom on the gayest fucking business card this side of Rainbow Brite.  Most of the complaints I've seen here boil down to one thing: The producers have lost all respect for the intelligence of the viewers.

It doesn't matter; Doakes was the only competent foil for Dexter. Laila was simply a gigantic plot device to get him out of the way.