
The last thing this show needs is another hallucination for Dexter.  What's next? A fistfight between him and Harry? The scenes from next week don't look too promising, either.  Driving down the highway with a gun, headed straight for that shark ramp…

Um, wasn't the original 'Doctor Who' the "longest running scripted show in television history?"

I'll be the first person to say that this was a better filler episode than "The Black Spot."

My single biggest issue with this season / series…
…is that if it were on "Doctor Who," it would be on one episode; and if it were on pre-Starz "Torchwood" it either would have been a backdrop to their normal procedruals or it would have been a two-parter with a really good cliffhanger in the middle.

Can't we all just agree to boycott George Lucas already?

The Big Difference…
…is that "Community" has a respect for its source material, not taking things too over the top or screwing with the things that it's sending up. "Glee," on the other hand, took one episode to shit upon the graves of two men without whom the show would not be possible: Gene Kelly and Donal

It took me years to learn that HHH didn't stand for
"Hollywood Hulk Hogan."

Dude, I LOVE "Twin Sitters." Those two certainly aren't without quality facial expressions.

Heh. That's a much more charitable—and probably more viable—encapsulation than what's in my review.

Woody Guthrie - Bound for Glory
We just got finished watching this movie over the weekend. While he's not quite a rocker he certainly comes off as a dick. He totally ditches his family (arguably twice) and just generally acts like a child. Plus, the movie was boring.

Most of the characters were poorly drawn in the first season. Look at Geordi, until the second season a lead character largely because of the thing on his face. But not everybody jumped ship.

Crosby just pisses me off.
She quit the show because she didn't like where it was going and where her character was going, taking it so far as to complain that she didn't think the show would succeed. Then she went on to make "Trekkies" and focus more on what a strange phenomenon the whole thing is. What an asshole.

I call the five books of the trilogy, "The Great Tome of the Seer." This book shaped many of my most strongly-held beliefs, including my now-rampant antitheism and my general distrust of authority (and, in fact, physics). I have a tradition where every time I enter a bookstore I walk to the SF section, find a

Does anybody really have time to read three pages of comments on a 74-second rant?
I will therefore not post my own analysis, which is minimalistic in its simplicity.

There's one for every mood. "The Dead Only Quickly Decay," and, "The Tiny Goat," go through my mind when I hate the world in general. "I Looked All Over Town," is one which should have been included in the recent AV Club inventory of suicide songs. "I Thought You Were My Boyfriend," "The World Goes Dancing," and,

"It's Only Time" was my wedding song. I don't think there's a negative note in that. For a lament, my money's on, "Give Me Back My Dreams," which moves me every time I hear it.

Best L&O Spinoff Joke Ever
(from "Harvey Birdman")

I was totally OK with the commercial. It was far less insulting to my intelligence to most of the dreck through which we all like to fast forward; and an interesting throwback to the days of yore.

Somebody should write a paper…
…comapring John Lithgow's performance in "Harry and the Hendersons," to his performance in "Dexter."

Does anybody really believe that Cameron is gone?
Dear "House" writing staff: Please watch a few seasons of Law & Order. Procedurals are procedurals first and foremost. Character development must be doled out slowly and irrevocably to have any impact on the viewers.