
She said in her interview with Howard that she's not leaving "New Christine."

What happened to Mia?
Adam is OK, but Mia is much more intellectual in her critiques and her approach to dance in general. Does anybody know why this change was made?

Pitch Shifting
I like this show fine, but within a couple of weeks I may be fast forwarding (or muting) through the musical numbers. It used to be just a couple of people for just a couple of high notes. Now it's like the computer is singing all the parts in all the numbers.

In addition to "stupid computer systems making [him]," Dexter is incredibly paranoid about his secrecy. Some yutz off the street could hear him talk about his kid and then try that out for a password. I just don't believe that Dexter would be that retarded.

Seriously? That's Dexter's password? Is he eleven?

Yeah, but that just makes you miss him more.

Guest Judging and Consistency
I think how little Michael Kors had to say speaks volumes about the shittiness of the constant three-guest-judge panels. Consistency in judging is one of the things that used to make the show so good. They could watch the designers grow and judge them accordingly. Just think about

Time Change
Is it a good thing or a bad thing that they're moving it from 9:30 to 8:00? It seems to me that staying as far away as possible from the clusterfuck that is The Jay Leno Show has to be beneficial. But I'd love to know about the machinations behind this.

I think the notion of Don-as-outsider or Don-as-underprivileged plays into the believability of his disgust at the racist aspect of the minstrel show, though there's certainly something to the idea that he's equally disgusted by Roger's spectacle.

I'm glad somebody else noticed Pete's apparent disgust at the minstrel show. It shows a side of him which we've barely glimpsed before.

NO Stephin Merritt?
I would have expected to see at least one Magnetic Fields (et. al.) song. "I Looked All Over Town" certainly fits the category and is truly beautiful. "The Tiny Goat" is also applicable, and those are just off the top of my head.

"I feel like there are either no women in the writer's room…"

I heard "leave some tools in your toolbox," and I interpreted that to mean that she shouldn't show all her cards at once; and keep a few ideas/sketches at the ready to pitch when the opportunity presents itself (or, when she's able to convince them that their idea is bad).

The slow pacing of Mad Men is one of my favorite attributes. While the nitty-gritty of Betty's family crap isn't that engaging to me, either, I'm quite confident that it will fit nicely into the larger puzzle.


This was a really smart move.
You've gotta figure that nobody in that audience came prepared to pirate the movie. And it's a good way to generate buzz, both for the (apparently) good movie and the little sneak-in.

The first time I cried during a movie was during the eulogy. I was like 12 years old, and after three bars of the bagpipes I just lost it.

Just another cog in the wheel
Deus Ex Micahshina? Hooray.

Associating Ratings and Comments
A few weeks/months ago, there would be far more than 46 "reasonable discussions occurring" in this comments section. Does that correlate to fewer people watching? Will they cancel this thing already so I don't have to placate my woman and my idiotic curiosity by watching it?

Approved Charities
Seriously, is there a list of "A.V. Club-approved" charities? There are currently only two outlets for my meager philanthropic pursuits and I wouldn't mind it if I had a few more.