Snape Kills Trinity with Roseb


If her vag looks like a Komondor's paw. That would make me happy.

I once boinked to X's Los Angeles. The album, and it was her idea. It's awesomer in theory than practice.

Haiters gotta hate.

Reast in Peace
He still had a lot to offer :(

Yes, you do.

I think I'm going to repost this where people will see it.

Love Letter
Before I started posting here, I'd never posted on a web forum/comment board. I'd lurked all over the place, but I'd never felt compelled to post anything. Recently, I've been posting on Reddit occasionally. For any of you not familiar with Reddit, it's a web aggregator website like Digg, and it basically

My sister. I love her, but she has clothes like a fucking dickhead.

I'm going to point you to Pitchfork, but I'll think less of you if you read it.

Just everything after Correggio

"…big deal in the U.K. The Beatles did it four times."
I feel like there should be another period after U.K. but I know that's not right. There has to be a way to do this without spelling out United Kingdom, right?

It was always crass and heartless. The whole reason it started is because she (the real Bellona) pulled this shit in the Lux Interior obit.

Ahnold hasn't done any governating in a long time.

That's a factor, sure, but the angle that the suns rays hit an object matter too. Look at the light from a flashlight pointed directly at a wall compared to one aimed at a wall at an angle. When it's at an angle, the light is less concentrated, and thus transfers less energy to a given amount of space.

Another The League watcher here. It's good, but I don't recommend it to anyone.

Another vote for The League. I was definitely not expecting to like it as much as I do. "I'm a doctor, *I'll* look at your balls." "I can explain it, but it's not going to make you feel any better"

Another vote for ditching Rabin. Some points are valid (Kenneth isn't funny anymore), but come on. You praise The Office and you watch Saturday Night Live. Your disappointment is misplaced.

Erin was also an Onion writer.