mackie junior

As quickly as it passes, and as simple as it is, that half-second of the scientician might be my favorite comedic moment of the entire series. I can't even think of it without laughing.

He was was using the term "irony" ironically.

"and wears dressier clothes"

"He holds it. Holds it! HOLDS IT!"

I haven't seen a new Simpsons episode since maybe season 14. Please tell me this episode description is a joke.

Agreed. It's the only episode in the series that I actively dislike.

This is, existentially.

Free Earl? I'll take it!

My favorite moment is Michael's reaction to Lucille's "but I'm afraid I can't spare the moisture" in Prison Break-In. I love how he starts saying his next sentence before he realizes what was just said. Flawless Michael reaction.

VVVVVV is just a great game. You play it just to enjoy it. The only thing I actually disliked was this self-entitled Joey kid.

I used to not really like Wincing, but I've grown into it.

I was kind of indifferent on this concert before, but with Hum in the lineup, I'm racked with excitement. Never thought I'd get to see them live.

^Agreed with MC Wren. I HATE 808s; I understand why people like it, but saying that Speakerboxx/TLB is spottier than 808s is extremely questionable, IMO.

Best moment of this wonderful show: As Rocko is using a vacuum called the "Suck-O-Matic" to clean his house, it sucks up a bust of Sigmund Freud from his couch. It's almost a freeze-frame bit; it's on the screen for a pretty short time.

Until somewhat recently, Greg Norton and his now-ex-wife owned a restaurant near the MN/WI border; I dragged my family there when I was 17 in hopes of seeing him.

Freaks and Geeks was the first show I thought of when I saw the title/subject of this Inventory.

I appreciate your forgiveness and your minor 7ths.

Wow holy shit I didn't even read the first post.

"Wet Hot American Summer actors are also into doing one another"

Hair down, glasses off, that's the way we have pop-pop