mackie junior

Now 3 is the first album I ever bought with my own allowance money. :

Guys, I'm empty. But so is God. So it's okay. :3

Linkin Park over here.

Mellon Collie is still fucking awesome if you ignore the lyrics.

Eat a dick, performer of theater.

I was watching Tim And Eric when I clicked on this.

Garden State is the type of movie that I enjoy but readily admit that it wasn't "good". I laughed at it as much as I laughed with it, but I found it enjoyable even while I cringed at how bland and predictable the two main characters were.

Flood The Chamber
I consider myself to have a pretty patient quality with difficult games (I played the FUCK out of N and N+), but Flood The Chamber is sadistic. If I ever beat it, I'm going out and buying the finest six pack of whatever beer they sell at whichever gas station is open at that time.

I guess I don't see what all the hubbubcap is about.

I'm very surprised to hear you say this.

Maybe not MOST important, but fonts do matter in how people perceive and react to writing. Put up a NO TRESPASSING sign in Helvetica bold and another in Comic Sans and see which one gets ignored more often.

Speaking of which, what font is it? It looks similar to Futura but I'm pretty sure it's not.

War Trilogy by Rossellini
feat. the A.V. Club font.

Where'd they print that? You can't print that!

I don't generally find Jim Gaffigan's standup funny, but when he does the "unenthused lady in the audience" voice ("He talks a lot about food…"), I lose it. So good for him.

"This summer, Hell is double posting."

No Exit
"This summer, Hell is other Noltes."

No Exit
"This summer, Hell is other Noltes."

I don't remember ever getting motion sickness
but I had to quit First Person Tetris after about a minute. Shit is intense.

I had to write papers on hospice and death within two weeks of my grandpa entering hospice and dying, respectively. In the same class, we watched Away From Her. It was the worst semester ever.