
I'm too distracted by that scream in the beat.

I'm too distracted by that scream in the beat.

I'm too distracted by that scream in the beat.

I'm too distracted by that scream in the beat.

I'm too distracted by that scream in the beat.

I'm too distracted by that scream in the beat.

Jonathan Wilson!?

You sunk my Scrabbleship!

Get Rich Or Die Harding

Then why can't he buy champagne?

Walt wore a purple shirt too. Purple is supposed to be the color of sexual frustration.

Yeah, where is he? We've seen him for like 3 seconds.

Where did Hank get the porn?

Yeah I was really distracted by the almost comical amounts of purple/lavender. Walt's eye was purple too of course :)

Skyler doesn't want Walt to buy expensive champagne, but they're also paying Hank's medical bills. How can an unemployed schoolteacher afford that?

What's with all the purple this season?

The best oneā€¦
Purple Rain. Massive sexual energy. Blouses flying.

That bad?
"Rhyming" the same words never bothers me. I actually just see it as it is, repeating the word - either for a dramatic or stylistic effect. "Off" and "golf" however - that's just horrid.