
yes, it's the same challenge. It favors lighter people and muscle mass/bulk works against a person — women and/or long and lean men do well. If memory serves, Tyson was a lulzy asshole during that challenge in Tocantins…and he owned it and cracked jokes while owning it.

Hmm, I could see both brothers voting the other one out in a heartbeat. They're both playing to win, which I love.

No, that's actually a legal thing and it isn't suspended. Unless a duo is legally bound, it's illegal to make moves in the game that involve sharing/splitting the prize.

Keeping Vytas was smart for Tina. And Katie. But mostly Tina.

New-Tadhana won so hard when Kat left. It isolated Hayden and allowed and validated Tyson's concerns about the Aras/Vytas duo.

I watched that season of Big Brother — and the feeds. And part of the reason why that season was ultimately a yawnfest was because Hayden ran that game from start to finish. He's a great winner. A really boring great winner.

well, I'm glad you're watching — as a long-time fan of the show, this season has been A+ so far. I'm glad you're enjoying it.

Yep. I got flashbacks to South Pacific. Where it was all God, all the time — with commercial breaks of Coach doing warrior poses. Yuck.

the thing I ADORE about Tyson is that he seems to always enjoy playing the game, he also appreciates good TV and is willing to make moves. That said, his moves in the past have blown up in his face and I really hope it doesn't happen again, as I really appreciate him as a Survivor character — I want him to go far,

let's remember that Kat THOUGHT she was in an alliance, when in reality she was not and was easily disposable.

I'd bet money on Hayden dumping Kat superfast if she returns when they merge. No one cares about John. And Laura M…from what I gather, she's mad at Aras and he should fear her, but otherwise she's not a longterm threat.

well, that's a great reason.

the person who returns when RI is done will be a vote if they're lucky — and that's it. And then they'll be voted out.

If there's one thing Tyson knows how to do, it's how to be a reality tv character.

This is a good season to start watching, so props to your timing.

Really? Because Vytas surviving that vote was always in the back of everyone's mind — he's a strong competitor on a tribe full of weak players. And voting out Kat still allows for a ~girls alliance~, which by the way, was never going to be a thing. Did you see how fast Tina sold Kat out to Monica who then sold it out

tribe swaps always make me nervous, as it can put players in a good position into a really, really horrible position very quickly.

Hayden is a top-tier Big Brother winner. But there's a lot of time in the Big Brother house, whereas there isn't on Survivor. Julie Chen also doesn't drill houseguests before they cast their vote, whereas it's Probst's job and tribal council is essentially a week's worth of Big Brother scrambling that is done in one

Not for a second did I consider Vytas could be the boot. It didn't even cross my mind. (and it wasn't just willful ignorance on my part)

I'm trying SO HARD to not get my hopes up when it comes to Tyson. But this season…his edit, his personal growth…I'm so tempted to go all in. I want to go all in. I adore Tyson.