
Him leaving the car was great. That was a great car and a character. So maybe it was a B-.

I'm very forgiving when it comes to mediocre TV and I've watched Californication from the start — this episode, the series finale, was a solid C.

the pacing of this show is part of what makes is wonderful. It's not for everyone, sure, but it being sooo sloooow is something I appreciate.

This show's return was a long time coming and it's still just as great.

I like to think Nanny from Muppet Babies and her legs inspired Wilson from Home Improvement and him peeking over the fence.

As much as I loved this season, I kinda hated the finale.

nice in theory, but no way. You play to win and Woo never did that. He had two chances at the prize at the end — Kass winning final immunity and taking him or him taking Kass. So simple. But he took the stupid route and lost.

surely, cause of money and stuff.

Who does Woo think he is?! Australian Outback: Colby?!

sent from my smartphone, which I have. case, charger, everything.

oh, it's not altruistic even a tiny bit.

Kaling said in an interview that she called Pally after Happy Endings was cancelled and offered him the role. She based the character off of the fraternity types she went to Dartmouth with.

It's a Springsteen SHOW, not a concert.

Hold up, do you really think Danny Catfishing/You'veGotMailing Mindy would be a thing that could occur over half a season? Cause I don't think it could last two episodes without being super creepy.

You've Got Mail is worth watching. Clearly some of the technology is dated (the opening title sequence is hilarious now), but the movie itself? Holds up well. It's kind of the best.

Replying to myself.

I actually think they will. Like Leslie and Ben from Parks and Rec.

Nah, I think they're together for awhile.

No doubt, the show is profitable for Fox because it rates high with "affluent" women in the golden age bracket.

That was an excellent episode of television. It hit all the right rom-com notes with a messy Mindy Project twist.