
and for what it's worth, I have no issues with them having kids, but I do have issues with those characters being stuck with kids at a job they hate. That's not how those characters should be. Every other character is depressing, they should have been the exception.

It's that they're cocky, but those characters willingly gave up on improving their lives and turned into bitter assholes.

Any episode without Robert California is a good episode.

I agree with you 100%. It feels weird and I'm having a hard time
reconciling these feelings, but this is not the type of role I would
like to see her in.

Everything about this episode was stupid. I realize that's not eloquent commentary, but it's the truth.


April giving Chris her movie tickets and buying another so he could tag along with her and Andy, plus that awkward hug — that was lovely. It warmed my heart a bit.

Midseason 2 and season 3 were pure comedy gold. There's no way any show could keep that up streak.

it's the kind of shit that gives a sitcom an A story and a B story. The plot would not move forward if they all went bowling.

Grayson shutting down Tom was the highlight of the season as far as I'm concerned.

yes :)


they're all bad. that's what makes them great.

I'm gonna download this online and love the shit out of it. I need some laughs.

Yeah, it's time for April to have a story independent of Andy, no doubt.

Congratulations on being a sexist asshole! You nailed it when you said you were going to be hated.


My respect for TJ Miller just skyrocketed.

she can't do both, that's already been established

Maron's interview with Todd Glass was A+++. There was so much build up about that interview and I was expecting something horrible. When he said he was gay, lord, that was a sigh of relief. It was a fascinating conversation and it was WTF at its best. It's not my favorite podcast, but this is why I keep listening.