
Bring back Rob Lowe!

Bring back Gary Sinise!

I miss Pushing Daisies…

I'll always love you, Liam.

The 7th Guest was amazing (minus the IRRITATING bacteria puzzle), and I've never been more disappointed with a sequel than I was with the 11th hour.

Unfortunately, bad acting will kill a good script any day. Good acting can make even crap writing sound fabulous, but put a great story in the hands of a bad acting and watch everything collapse.

So, Slash of the Titans?


Sorry, but if there's one thing computer's understand best, it's complex algorithms combining letters and symbols.

You're giving that show WAY too much credit.

Which version? The new one or the good one?

Careful, if you make them too smart, they'll turn into Geth. I, on the other hand, would have NO qualms about joining Commander Sheperd's team to eradicate them. Yum…

As a woman, I know the one thing that kept me from playing RDR…playing Mass Effect through on "Insanity." No complaints here…

I would so watch that, Gebophed. If Sean Bean and David Wenham are on board, how can we make this happen?

Or better yet, can we just have a movie about Boromir and Faramir?

*Lie (Why is editing posts an unavailable tool?)

Fine Neckbeard, you can cancel Like to Me, but you may NOT cancel Tim Roth.

Joe Perry is so unamused right now, Judge Steven.

Poets of the Fall

Ditto that thought, Dogstyle.