Jorge Von Salsa

He raises a good point: we all still have Zoidberg.

You do your job, Delicious Mak. Don't tell me how to do mine!

Thank you Justice or Intern :)

This is it!
This is the sign!

Well, let's say this Twinkie represents the normal amount of psychokinetic energy in the New York area. Based on this morning's sample, it would be a Twinkie… thirty-five feet long, weighing approximately six hundred pounds.

ah, here's the thread


Pilgrimages should derive from the consent of the pilgrims, not by fiat!

Get to de choppah and take eet to deh hospital! YOAH HAVINK EH BAYBEE!

…I liked the dress…

I believe you mean Augustus Gloop.

At least anecdotally, someone will point to this incident in their future accusations of him being a Nazi.

It's just a cover so he can extradite Von Trier for his war crimes, DUH

Look out Europe! We're going on tourrrrrrrrr


I don't think Davis' struggles are really on par with Sonny's. Sonny's a foreigner with no support network who glommed onto a rising talent, and when she left him, he dissolved further into his own self-hatred. Wherever he would be, he would be a drag because he would mope. He's just as unrealistic about his chances

Yeah, it's an asshole who picks up a bunch of day laborers and then drives them over to an INS office and laughs as they scramble the hell out of the bed of his truck.

I thought it was funny that the pastor said they were standing on holy ground not because it was a church but because Dustin Hoffman once walked down the aisle.

GeoGreg — so you've never seen this?