Jorge Von Salsa

"Please don't kill me."

Yeah, this headline reads like a vow of revenge.

This guy:

Aiee, a gross oversight.

Good, because Parallel Play was ultimately forgettable. "Never Hear The End of It," however, was mostly awesome.

Does it even matter whether they're gay?

I hope it's more of a society and less of a show.

I hear ya. We just don't go to the cinema any more. 20 months in, and I saw Inception, Legion, Terminator Salvation, and True Grit — all solo. I only regret 50% of those choices. Everything else waits for Netflix.

At like $5 a documentary, that's pretty amazing for all the stories in there.

Well bugger that!

Strip-Tease Takedown

1930's comment board Grandma says "Just got teh rites to vote! Goin' to get LAID!"

My thoughts exactly, Cyrus. We most assuredly CANNOT dig it.

Good read, Grant. Thx.

What is this, some House of M retread?

Apologies, then. I really thought I was careful not to mention anything that was a specific reveal of a plot point or answered any question. I really thought I was only talking about things that were seen in the show so far.

No love for Slash's Snakepit?



What, will Phil Collins be unavailable?