Jorge Von Salsa

"But I don't WANNA play Somali Pirates of the Caribbean anymore!"

@Clayton - we do see him reading and he does confess a love of books. I can't remember if in the novels it mentions him ostensibly wanting to see some of the old tomes in the Black Watch.

Yes, well, just like in his career, he discovered that in trying "everything" else, nobody necessarily gives you the equivalent of a gigantic financial head start from birth.

He's really showing us what a man with a laser cannon grafted to his chest can do.

Monkeys aren't donkeys, Shit McF! Stop messing with my head!

Hey, don't forget that Acura probably also gets to write off the (depreciated) cost of the car, and the moviemakers don't have to budget for use of a car for the length of time they need those Acuras on set.

Mark Hamill IS Nathan Detroit

Meanwhile, in a shocking lack of concern for his safety, Hutch is advised to "stay on target".

Yeah, but you have to blow the dust off the cartridge first.

Trumpers in "A Link is Insufficient"

In the book he's characterized as very laconic; however, in the TV series, we can explain that away by just the simple fact that he's used to being in a position of authority as head of his own house and therefore saying whatever he wants.

…albeit played however poorly

they should have just read the inscription on the box
"Whosoever wields this briefcase, if he be worthy, shall possess the marketing powers of ACURA!"

Well the other problem that Ned had with the information is that it came from a guy who's fled him in exile because Stark doesn't tolerate selling people into slavery. So he's not inclined to believe that Mormont doesn't have ulterior motives.

The idea of the "sky cells" in the book is that the prisons themselves rid them of the bother of having to execute anyone. Plus,

"Who said I had a heart?"

He was packing to leave…that's just the worst. They got him when he was packing up to go.

Eesh, yeah.

Wait until you hear about the high-end courtesans of Braavos, who rival the aristocracy in terms of power and influence.

some ALMOST publicity