Jorge Von Salsa

@Test Tube Monkey - NICE, especially the second part of the cliffhanger.


I thought it was Tom Kite's golf game, no?

Anyone defending Salvation needs to recall the lessons we learned from that movie: 1) Motorcycle terminators are attracted to the sounds of Guns n' Roses, but may also be roped and ridden instead of detecting that a human has corralled them and exploding; and 2) Some of the endoskeleton terminators want to look cool

Listen, NBA fan, glass houses and all…

Oh, you mean Sam Worthington? Yeah, he's not very good in most things he's in.

Yes you fucking did, Lobsters. Now stop your complaining and continue to espouse your confounding political views, dammit!

@Anonymouse: I know well the origins of Wonder Woman, but she's supposed to be more naturally appealing; i.e., not garish makeup, more traditionally classic Greek/Roman features (she was sculpted as a form, after all), and the costume is supposed to be mildly traditional (think 80's Superman in terms of color and

That's one way to keep him from completely losing the narrative thread, at least.

Fine, but I wouldn't hold out much hope for the Creedence.

Fluid exchange or GTFO.

I stand by my "who the fuck cares," but you know I could never refuse you, Arsenio.

Would you pay the devil to replace her?

Ever seen "One Night in Chyna," jpb?…

Arsenio, you maneater. You make-a my dreams come true!

Agreed. Let's elect her IMMEDIATELY!

If there's one way to get it out, this site will help you:

Fine! He'll be in a new, heretofore unseen mode where he tries to be a smarmy, relevant adult, and it will fail like an English-Norwegian phrasebook!

This was ill-conceived from the first.

And at the other end of that alley: THE CAPE!