Jorge Von Salsa

You mean Eduardo Sanchez?

@Fritzy-poo - you hit the nails on their respective heads there. The woman looks nothing like an Amazon, she just looks like a heavily made-up streetwalker.

Hey, they also carry the NHL playoffs now! And their Sunday Game of the Week coverage is really nice, actually.

I have a better question: who the fuck cares?

"once again taking the place of an '80s movie star in the hearts of the elderly"

Fuck yes it would

The White Room


"Why did they make that one muppet out of leather?"

Cartoons featuring the discarded Itchy and Scratchy friends, like Ku Klux Klam, Uncle Ant, et al.

The excerpts of that mess weren't more than enough for you? Holy fuck…

Or any of the various entertainments and puns from the background of Top 10…Lord, there was a wealth of them.

"Fever Dog" was a showstopper. You shoulda been there, maaaaaaaaaaan!

"Dude, when I grow up, I'm going to have so much amnesia."

Or the explanation that turns James Woods' character study from a tightly wound convenience store clerk into an Eskimo.

Ah, dammit.

So, no Death Race 2000?

I want to see the entire uncut episode of Return to the House of Mummies.

I want to see that blind guy eventually solve the Rubix cube!

Well that's why you'll never be a Supreme Court justice, Miller.