Jorge Von Salsa

Where does he get those wonderful double posts?

something something the line must be drawn here

"We're not gay. We just like to party!"

@Horrible Nameless One: how about "God is on Our Side"?

I bet the crazy Batman from Confessions of a Superhero would have waxed that dude.

I'm sure there will always be an audience for the children of pretentious hipsters to fulfill the promise of their lineage by distancing themselves from the status quo of hyperstylized holograms.

What? I hated Zombieland too. Geez, everyone's on a hair trigger around here today…

Nicely done, I.S.

I guess it depends. You want drunken gunplay, you go Harrelson; you want drunken shillelagh beatings, Gleeson.

I'm sorry, I'm not allowed to agree with you, O'Neal?

Philip J Fry? The only science he knows about is cryogenic time travel!

The worst was when my brother got married and his future wife's CRAZY FRIEND was trying to call the shots for how his bachelor party should be handled. "Oh, when we're having the bridal shower, they can have a tool party!" where everyone buys my brother a power tool. (?!?) The groomsmen were me, my teenaged brother,

No forgiveness needed at all.

Good for him
He probably saw Pierce Brosnan's braying in Mamma Mia and thought the better of it.

@unicyclist — so is this related to the etymology of the protagonist's name in Crank?

Fritzy-poo, I heard some friends say that being invited to a wedding/baby shower is like being hit with a traffic violation. And everyone goes through that three-to-seven-year period in their mid-twenties where it just keeps happening again and again.


@Delmars - and all I want to know is did he play "Bad Reputation" and how good was it?

Can they double-bill with Rocket from the Crypt?

"1952 Vincent Black Lightning" is guaranteed to make me cry, no matter what I'm doing.