Jorge Von Salsa

see also:

Sam Roberts is the shit. Completely underrated in comparison with some of the higher-profile crap that's out there.

Scarlett "Will You Please Get 'Em Out Already Before They Spoil" Johansson

"And I'm not saying there is a lot of wisdom in drinking, smoking, forgetting a woman's birthday and being "manly"."

What if you named your band The Flying Burrito Brothers?

And their suspenders and old-timey moustaches, right?

No sense of history. How about The Eagles? Dan Fogelberg? Journey?

@CriticalCynic - I think I had the same realization at the same time you did.

I wuz jest funnin'. I don't think the Elder Tarly will make an appearance until much later. Heartsbane needs tending.

Rock of Ages to me is the quintessential Band live album.

Either way, I'm graetful for the help around the office!

Sorry, did you mean this?

Dude, you should see his highlighter technique. Slopppppyyyyyy

Mi-chael Parks!
Mi-chael Parks!
Mi-chael Parks!

Cocaine is a helluva drug, Tuck.

OOOOOHHhh, is it Randyll??

Yeah, there's a Commodores song for womens like thats.

"Oh, Jimmy…you're still making those CGI furry movies? Good for you, guy."

I think it's because the appointment to the King's Guard is a lifetime post, and because he bent the knee at the ascension of Baratheon, he was allowed to remain. He's also there largely because he can keep an eye on Cersei, so you get to think that that was part of the peace arrangement that allowed the Lannisters to

The Colonial Space Marines