Jorge Von Salsa

Caption that picture!

"after shedding more than 50kg of pubic hair and a daily babaganoosh habit"

It's an interesting point. In some places, it feels like they're zipping through chapters of the plot at breakneck speed (for only three episodes, anyway); in others, I can see them setting up more of a slow burn.

Damn, I never noticed it as much last season. Did they all have those songs performed in-episode as well?

Jaime is one of the most interesting and complex characters to fathom in a story that's full of such people. His arc is one of the most interesting in the series. He's certainly clever if you want to call it that; I prefer to think of the family trait as intense ambition. Most of the Lannisters we meet are defined by

As Sims says above, she's a real find.

@rawbun: there's a story I found last week that explains the opening credits in terms of anchoring the setting and the history of the land as it came to be, if you're curious:

For those who are asking where Ghost is, I think the TV writers decided that using Dinklage where they could to help spur exposition and condense the action was a more economical measure. I'm sure Ghost will be a heavy part of the story soon enough.

We talked about this last week, but yeah, this storyline is a lot in terms of setup and then a ton of action after that groundwork is laid. The intro credits should give you an idea of that theme: the clockwork gears are set in motion by members of the houses, and then from their actions, many others spring up around

@CriticalCynic - I thought the Titan of Braavos being like one of the wonders of the ancient world seemed more like the Colossus of Rhodes or something, but yeah, the analogues are really closely smeared. I could see it going either way.

Hopefully the Game of Thrones lead-in will help, but man is it jarring to go from that world to this one. Not bad — just takes a few seconds to adjust my headspace.

Yeah, we're not supposed to like Seda, but I REALLY don't like him. Poor Bouncer-Man. He emerged as a very likable guy. I suppose it's good that there's a foil like 'cuz to knock him.

It's a great show. If you want some help catching up, check out the companion guide on NOLA.com:

so are all the episodes this season going to have song titles
and then also performances of those songs in-episode?

Sylvio Forell!
"Milos Yeromelou," eh? Glad they got a Greek to play him (the Braavosi culture is the Greek analogue in this story, I think).

technical question
Seeing the story acted out live makes me wonder about little logic moments. Like how does the cage manage to travel up and down The Wall without freezing solid if they're supposed to be shoveling rock and snow layers to make a freezing mortar? And I know this is TV, but fuck, wouldn't all those

I'm sure there are some WWII Scots who wouldn't mine the tam-tip, though.

Varys was sufficiently creepy. But yeah, Baelish has been flat so far. Not the way I would have taken his interpretation of some of the line readings. Also thinking that Dinklage's quasi-English inflection isn't cutting it yet. He's wonderful as Tyrion, but his accent takes me out of moments more often that I can deal

Cheese, it gets better. The conditional status on temporary permanent resident took some three and a half years to remove so that she could be granted permanent resident status, which still isn't citizenship and must be renewed every ten years. Citizenship only comes if you're willing to revoke your citizenship in the

Stupid cunt ponies!