Jorge Von Salsa

Regular Show is probably not ok for kids until they get a bit older, but I like it. Anything on Sprout is pretty good. There's even a bunch of seasons of Sesame Street on Netflix Watch Instantly right now, to the point where my son thinks the xbox controller's primary use is as an Elmo emulator.

Dennis Miller, everyone!

It is a long and torturous process, fraught with mucho out of pocket expenses even if you don't hire a lawyer. Phel and PW did the thing where they get married in the US, then she returns to her home country for 6 months, and then she can swoop in and become a temporary permanent resident. I and mine had a much

Now I just want to ask Lorre about the Watchmen cartoon parody of the TMNT theme.

Yeah, not too many threats of soul beatings these days, let alone as a means to reconciliation.

my heart is like a ticking clock
would you like to making up

Let alone three, right?

I never knew that, but hearing it makes sense.

anyone else read the headline in the Maurice LaMarche Futurama voice?
from Bigfoot: Endangered Mystery:

Hey, don't leave Stifler out of the Rundown love. Watching Rock smack him around was half the fun.

Hey, she's got a wife to feed now.

A much older Carrie-Anne Fisher, complete with vintage flamethrower.

Can't wait to see how The Drizzle's powers benefit the city of Seattle!

Haysoos, you keep your filthy Canadian childhood memories out of our Zorro!

Silas Marner or GTFO

I'm tired of bent, one-man forces. We need more heterosexual teams that aren't always trying to fuck each other in the ass on their way to the revenge showdown!

They should just call this shit Space Batman, and then write and direct it as Space Batman, and then, hey, I'd go see it!

What about the CLAMPS?

His friggin' webpage is pretty cool too:

Here you are, my clever crustacean: