Jorge Von Salsa

to be clear — I did not create this, I merely had it fwded to me, but hell, it's a good share.

Holy fucking shit, "intellectual cowardice" because I don't engage in zero-sum argumentation? To even begin to credit your assertion, which is wildly unfounded, would be like betting that I can fire a gun into the air and then yell at the bullets to land where I demand.

I have no place else to put this
so here goes:

@liA: They're so stylistically different in approach, tone, content, and the courses of their lives were so wildly divergent, I don't find it to be an appreciably useful comparison to say that "Twain can't hold a candle to Shakespeare." Twain was a satirist and essayist who wrote about life in the South in

"Just a home video of…Natalie Portman…rooted…by…a randy minotaur…Appealingly perverse…fun."

I hated the ending because after all the immense build-up, it was deflating to have the Crimson King basically throwing fireballs at him from a distance and then getting "erased" out of existence. Then, after Roland enters the tower, each level of which has been expressly created JUST FOR HIM, and reflects moments

I don't think Twain is in competition with Shakespeare in any appreciable sense. This is not a quantitative assertion to be proven or disproven.

Yeah, Chaucer-as-hype-man almost made up for the jarringly inexplicable "We Will Rock You" montage.

Nice dress, bridesmaid! Love the beard! Gives me something to hold onto!

A womprat? Dead for a credit!

*cues Bowie*

You might also nick him in the nads if you see him, LiA.

"Where's Becky?"

The way the sound level cuts out and then jumps back in is epic.

What, no sense of roleplay, Jay?

My favorite comment on that video:

Holy shit is that Comfortably Numb cover just bad!

That's the one, Munster.

With the highest fucking fidelity, anything is possible.

I've worked with better.