Definitely agree, and I don't understand Donna's continued forgiveness. An agonizing finale to a painful season. It's a shame that a show I once loved so much can only charitably be described as "grating".
Definitely agree, and I don't understand Donna's continued forgiveness. An agonizing finale to a painful season. It's a shame that a show I once loved so much can only charitably be described as "grating".
This infuriates me. I've had it on my amazon alerts since the season ended, but I guess my first viewing will have to be enough.
Absolutely, on all counts. Even the book on a prose level is really lacking in the Hunger Games.
Well, that was uncomfortable.
*Letting Fringe pile up on my DVR so Olivia Dunham will arrest me.*
Hey look! The AV Club showed their appreciation for The Wire.
Definitely agree. While not the strongest of episodes, I actually thought the pregnancy news was unexpected and touching. I knew they had to find some way for them to stay put and that was, in my opinion, a terrific way to handle it. It grounds it in some complex emotion (especially at a time when the wife seemed to…
RE: The Hunger Games
They can't even seem to get a sure-fire writes-itself joke like Dwight's misunderstanding of silent auctions to get laughs. It's pretty incredible.
It is when it's about the relative effectiveness of comedy. You kind of just list what you think works and what doesn't.
An A episode for me all the way. I was dying, especially every time Kristen Schaal was on. At the very least, contrast this with the Office, where I could hardly feign a smile, and this is without a doubt A-range television.
Has this been the topic of conversation in the past? I'm new-ish, so I'm hardly one of "these" people.
I don't even mind that Brit Marling has a lazy eye. That's how sexy she is.
@avclub-79557cb93066f4470b8cee6e9110f757:disqus, I think the only thing that's making me shit my pants is that you're passing yourself off as an academic and yet you're seemingly lacking really basic reasoning skills. Maybe your studies are in being a giant dipshit. A leader in your field, no doubt.
@avclub-79557cb93066f4470b8cee6e9110f757:disqus, for these characters, they couldn't do both. Maybe there was more going on, maybe there wasn't. Some people (my friends included) just aren't willing to deal with their studies, employment, and planning an elaborate wedding. Sure, you can say, "Just go to the…
Ugh, same. The only person I have to go with is my roommate/ex-girlfriend. I might as well kill myself when these kinds of movies I want to see come out.
Your anecdotal evidence isn't a universal truth, Academic Andy. For every academic crony of yours who got married during their studies, I have one who waited until after. Now use your book-learnin' and realize that your experiences don't speak for those of everyone else.
@avclub-6ef36c8de89f58253dbbd5f338837bf1:disqus knows what's up. A good comedy in a packed theater is fucking heavenly.