Future Nobody

@avclub-aa8199204bbd84f584fe5957410e9e71:disqus No, Nellie is awful, but the way they've positioned here this season as a victim makes Andy look like a bully. Especially when he parrots the same unwarranted hatred for Toby. I'd probably be fine with Nellie were just Andy's Toby. Then I would just chalk up stuff like

@avclub-aa8199204bbd84f584fe5957410e9e71:disqus No, Nellie is awful, but the way they've positioned here this season as a victim makes Andy look like a bully. Especially when he parrots the same unwarranted hatred for Toby. I'd probably be fine with Nellie were just Andy's Toby. Then I would just chalk up stuff like

I enjoyed that for its absurdity but the level of hate Andy had for Nellie during something as personal as an adoption recommendation was just awful to watch.

I enjoyed that for its absurdity but the level of hate Andy had for Nellie during something as personal as an adoption recommendation was just awful to watch.

I've cracked the case, guys: The mother is Caucasian.

I've cracked the case, guys: The mother is Caucasian.

@avclub-d1348cfe54a94fe6f986775cedd75fdd:disqus Actually, I think Klaus said exactly that—that the kind of lifelong bond isn't something that can develop over time but is there from the beginning.

@avclub-d1348cfe54a94fe6f986775cedd75fdd:disqus Actually, I think Klaus said exactly that—that the kind of lifelong bond isn't something that can develop over time but is there from the beginning.

Hmm, I hadn't considered that. Excellent point. In comparison, Todd looks like the better business partner—someone who instinctively showed the extent to which he's willing to protect the empire.

Hmm, I hadn't considered that. Excellent point. In comparison, Todd looks like the better business partner—someone who instinctively showed the extent to which he's willing to protect the empire.

Except for the whole "sound mind" thing.

Except for the whole "sound mind" thing.

Yeah. great point. Maybe I'm just adding my own awareness of what Walt's capable of into these characters. Mike knows about Walt's involvement in the murders of Gale and Gus, but he probably doesn't know exactly HOW clever he can be.

Yeah. great point. Maybe I'm just adding my own awareness of what Walt's capable of into these characters. Mike knows about Walt's involvement in the murders of Gale and Gus, but he probably doesn't know exactly HOW clever he can be.

That's a great point, and I don't even disagree. I think you're right about Mike not thinking Walt is a direct threat. But at the same time, I would hope Mike would be extra cautious around (a) a person he knows to act in desperation, and (b) a person that he just effectively cut business ties with. That might be

That's a great point, and I don't even disagree. I think you're right about Mike not thinking Walt is a direct threat. But at the same time, I would hope Mike would be extra cautious around (a) a person he knows to act in desperation, and (b) a person that he just effectively cut business ties with. That might be

While I think the prison connections are a solid reason, I don't think he's the only option. I have to assume the Saul could get someone to take care of those legacies without much issue, so keeping Todd around just for that seems too risky.

While I think the prison connections are a solid reason, I don't think he's the only option. I have to assume the Saul could get someone to take care of those legacies without much issue, so keeping Todd around just for that seems too risky.

What other employees? The random dudes working the tents? The others seems to be able to keep to themselves and not make a fuss. It's not like they've got a crew to bolster with elevated morale. And I have to assume the turnover on those shady jobs is pretty high, so if Todd went missing, I doubt they'd ask questions.

What other employees? The random dudes working the tents? The others seems to be able to keep to themselves and not make a fuss. It's not like they've got a crew to bolster with elevated morale. And I have to assume the turnover on those shady jobs is pretty high, so if Todd went missing, I doubt they'd ask questions.