
Benito Martinez left HoC to go star in American Crime, I think they probably had bigger plans for his character before that

Lillian is basically a carbon copy of the crazy lady I lived next door to in my last apartment in New York (except a lot nicer) so I love watching her

It took me a while to get used to the weird formatting of the site but if you explore some of the smaller niche subreddits it can be a lot more fun and interesting. The nfl subreddit is my personal favorite.

I'm watching this super late and was surprised to see this comment so far down. I was completely amazed by how well-directed this episode was.

I've seen them in the Port Authority stop

I thought the Bayou Eskimos one was an ad for a real show until I came home and Googled it.

Our office is giving us a half day tomorrow and full days off Thursday and Friday. Plus I had this Monday off (took a vacation day) because I was traveling back from a Sunday wedding. Huzzah!

I liked the "being pooped on by a million cows" (paraphrasing) version that someone mentioned earlier in the comment thread.

I flew on a 13.5 hour flight with Jordanian Airlines and our options were Paul Blart: Mall Cop, The Pink Panther 2, and the Dragon Ball Z movie.

I used to work with the Queen Elinor at Disney World! She is lovely and hilarious.

Anthony Bourdain was on Travel Channel, not Discovery Channel.
The Travel Channel used to be owned by Discovery Communications but it was sold to Scripps a few years ago.



I think MTV intervened once when someone on the Real World (I wanna say it was Ruthie?) insisted on drinking and driving on camera.

I asked my grandma, who also watches the show, if the reactions seemed accurate and she said definitely. She is white and was living in Brooklyn at the time, and said that at least in her world, the reactions went from shocked/sad but quickly morphed into fear of black people retaliating against white people.

Yes, they film on Columbia's campus all the time!

Is "Best Ensamble" not a thing? It should be a thing.

Oh my gosh I thought I was the only one who sang it this way! Except instead of ending with moo I end with "meeeeeeeeer"

Well if she had ended up as a quadriplegic…

Or unless Irina didn't actually disappear, but was just saying she was going to as another way to test Phillip's loyalty to the cause or whatever.