
You cracked the code.

All these years and I didn't know the source. Capitalizing above. Thanks.

All these years and I didn't know the source. Capitalizing above. Thanks.

This is definitely something we're keeping in mind for the next redesign.

This is definitely something we're keeping in mind for the next redesign.

Rumor I just made up: Morrissey and Marr have recruited Steve Albini to record an album called WALKING INTO SALFORD. (The move upset John Paul Jones.)

I watched the movie CONTRABAND which was as sufficiently OK as I'd been led.

You have to go deeper. And even then, at the risk of sounding like one of _those_ guys, I prefer the earlier stuff. But then the Jamaican music I like best is the '60s stuff, the ska-to-rock steady-to-early-reggae years.

It barely covers the Perry relationship and there's really nothing on Selassie's death. (Which would definitely be worth covring.)

I spent a lot of time at C2E2 this weekend, which was fun. And because I had a professional obligation to be there, I couldn't attend an out-of-state wedding, which left me home alone. So I watched movie after movie: THE SITTER (David Gordon Green can craft a JB Smoove-balls-catch-on-fire gag that really makes you

Terrible idea for the Mad Men series finale: Years pass and Megan reveals that Don really did kill Madchen Amick and stuff her body under the bed. She's been covering for him ever since but, dammit, she's through. Police walk in. Don goes to prison. The End.

I didn't do much on the pop culture front this weekend, which was dominated by a short road trip that allowed my wife and I to catch up with some WTF episodes. (I would have thought Maron wouldn't have liked Michael Cera, but they got along surprisingly well.)

That wasn't the subtlest of Mad Men episodes was it? Then again, once you establish Richard Speck as the touchstone of the episode, it's hard to be subtle. I'm with Todd in thinking that Don's dream—all, what was it, 14 parts of it?—dragged "Mystery Date" down, I thought just about everything else here worked. I love

Great movie, but too well known for my purposes.

I should do some kind of beatnik movie at some point. Any suggestions? Still trying to track down a copy of THE GIRLS ON THE BEACH for future use.

Oh, is that where she comes from? I didn't know. She's good in the movie.

This weekend I finally caught up with David Fincher's The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, which I'd missed in the crush of films that screened at the end of last year. And, to be honest, I'd kind of let it slide a bit because I hated the Swedish version so much. (Yes, Tasha and I have talked about that.) And since I like

It was pretty much about thinking about Mad Men, waitign for Mad Men to come on, watching Mad Men then thinking about Mad Men some mroe. Beyond that, I went to a wonderfully geeky wedding where the tables were named after sci-fi television shows (I was at the Voltron table), the pre-dinner music included the theme to S

Well, like Todd said, I'll be around. (Also, Todd's doing a great job.) I'm past the stage of parenthood where I'm as exhausted as Joan was this week, but the prospect of starting the week by staying up until 1 or 2 writing about MAD MEN is pretty unappealing, as much as I enjoyed it.

One thing I like about this show is the way it gives context to items like Pete's jacket. Yeah, it's tacky. And it's even tacky in the context of the party. But you can see how someone like Pete would have thought it a good sartorial choice in that era.