
Wow, did I miss this show. So much good stuff in this episode and all of it rhyming off each other expertly: "You only get to watch." Cut to Pete, looking satisfied at having scored an office and not recognizing that in all likelihood he'll be doomed always to stay at a distance from what he wants. That's the curse of

OK. I'll weigh in because it would be weird for THE A.V. CLUB not to comment on this. Here's the deal: There are many great places to get pizza in Chicago. The deep-dish pizza associated with the city is just one option. In fact, most Chicagoans don't eat deep-dish pizza. It's more of a tourist thing.

You're thinking too hard about grades.

True… But the American version is a better film. The original RING is a great idea in search of a better execution.

These comments bode well for it picking up a cult following down the line.

I tried to find a photo of the Doritos machine via our photo service but, alas, could not.

I went out with my wife and saw 21 JUMP STREET, which was really funny and surprisingly sweet and made me take back every bad thought I'd ever had about Channing Tatum's limitations as an actor. Use him right—like here—and he's great.

Word missing. Word added.

It's worth noting that the buffet is a Sbarro. Now a fixture of malls everywhere, but then a New York thing, I think. (I remember we had them in Ohio in the late-'80s, so maybe they'd already spread.)

I rewatched the 1965 Italian satirical thriller The 10th Victim, starring Marcello Mastroianni and Ursula Andress. It's set in a future in which violence has been more or less eliminated outside of a worldwide game in which participants take turn alternating between hunter and prey as they stalk each other for sport.

She was referring to Boxmasters' frontman Billy Bob Thornton.

They're fewer and further between. Best oldies DJ I know is "Rockin'" John McDonald who does a show called "I Like It Like That" on Madison's community radio station, WORT. Just checked the site: Happy to see he's still around.

True. It's far from a perfect format. I read somewhere that the average playlist for an oldies station was around 300 songs, which ain't much. But as a baby step into the past, I feel like they did a service. I know they did for me. And there are artists who only got played on that format that just don't get played

Just something that's been on our collective mind lately, and something we don't see a lot of other people writing about.


I stand corrected and the review is also now corrected.

Thank you for reading!

Right. But THE ACCUSED was inspired by a real-life gang rape that took place on a pool table.

I may be in the minority there. But it worked for me when I saw it and I kind of wondered what the film's team would do next. Here it is.

LAST DAYS is the weakest of the Death Trilogy, but it's still really good. If nothing else, that scene with Harmony Korine talking about what an awesome dungeonmaster Jerry Garcia was is pretty funny. But it's the Kim Gordon scene that's stuck with me the most. That silent goodbye is just haunting.