
I know a little something about that.

Well, yeah. Tweets will never replace what we do. I see the Twitter feeds as sort of real-time supplements for those who want them. Footnotes, in a way. And a bit self-indulgent in a way we don't let ourselves be on the site proper. (Most of the time.) You're fine ignoring them if Twitter's not your speed, but we have

A discussion for later in the thread
In case you can't tell from the review, there are plot developments and such that I can't talk about without giving away spoilers. But I definitely want to talk about them with some people who have seen this unique motion picture.

SEX! Now that we've got your attention.

And there's some pretty dreadful sounding EZ listening act called Girl Talk on iTunes.

Girl Talk is on eMusic.

I haven't seen it. For all I know, it's awesome.

I watched the movie MALICE shortly after reading this and there's a clip of it in there. I felt dogged by Lensmen.

No. Worth my time?

I'm still reading and liking it, though I don't think it's had a knockout issue for a while. I'm kind of waiting for the sequel: THE ADVENTURES OF RACIST DRACULA.

Easy Eye: Yes, I feel like I'm warming up for old age.

We limited this a bit because we didn't want to pit, say, the Lewton movies against the Universal movies. But Lewton's incredible. And, also from the era, THE ISLAND OF LOST SOULS is a must-see (and not on DVD).

YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN also owes a pretty serious debt to SON OF FRANKENSTEIN, which, as I suggested, is worth a look. It's stylish in a different way than Whale's films plus it has Basil Rathbone and Bela Lugosi (who plays a character named Ygor, although he's not a hunchbacked assistant.)


Official results: The show and book are both great. The movie is very good.

Actually, I don't really like any of those movies. Just passing the info along.

Some spoilers. I'll amend the intro.

New version
Hey folks,
I wrote a too-long-for-print version of this review but we accidentally posted the short version first. The full version should be online now.

The A.V. Club turned into a hardcore porn site so gradually hardly anyone noticed.

@Denby… Huh. No. I didn't know there was an issue. Let me look into it.