
I agree. Marah needs to stop laughing.

Goodbye Selfie, its a shame I only found you after cancellation

Worst episode of Homeland; felt like I was watching a different show altogether. I don't mind the Quinn/Carrie pairing, but it was done SO poorly. Carrie's previous characterization makes it unbelievable that she would jump into a relationship so quickly. Her jumping into bed Quinn yes, but not into a full fledged

B+. While I agree with Todd's review about the plot, I have to rate this higher mainly due to the acting, directing & some great lines. Also glad that Carrie hasn't revealed the state of her uterus to anyone; pretty telling if you ask me of what decision she's come to.

Best episode this season.

I thought this as well, but Hank was sitting right next to Gina in that restaurant. I seriously doubt Gina is that clueless about not being able to recognize the killer right in front of her nose, unless of of course she's hyperopic.

The Hollywood Reporter did a great exit interview with Enos; it sheds light on a plot point some here have been complaining about (the ring being in possession of Skinner's daughter).

It was explained that he only went following Adrian around AFTER Linden mentions Adrian was starting to remember.

I feel that the first shot was more for revenge; the second seemed like it came from a deeply wounded Linden. She let herself completely believe, trust and fall for him, and for him to intentionally remind her of this, stabbed her at her core.

If not Enos, then the least the voters should have done was to nominate Sarsgaard, or poor Kinnaman, who's working his ass off with no one paying attention.

I rarely comment, but absolutely HAD to after this amazing episode. I might be overzealous here, but this episode was the best hour of TV this year. Such a departure from it's normal pacing & tone; much like the Fly episode of breaking bad. Not only were Sarsgaard and Enos pure magic together, but the directing was

Did it bother anyone else when Cersei and Tywin both pronounced Tyrell completely differently ?
How the heck did the director (or the actors, for that matter) not catch that ?

It's a "fun" show yes, but a different type of fun than say Justified is.

1. With all the marriage talk this episode contained, I thought I was watching The Americans
2. Huck needs an acting coach asap

Is it wrong that squealed like a school-girl when I saw Gillian Anderson in the promos ? 

Or Lori

There goes my hopes of Rick seeing the Governor in a white dress

I stopped watching this horsesh*t  around episode 4, but I keep coming back to read David's glorious reviews. I hope he never stops reviewing this mess of a show.

So essentially, Joffrey is marrying his AUNT ?! Talk about an incestuous family…

Anyone else think Chris Hardwick is Aaron Paul's alter-ego ?