
This episode was a little too much like Dead Like Me
I was half expecting to see gravelings

I thought this episode was better than a C+
I think the Liddy plot was there to push Quinn's storyline toward him finding out all about Dexter, and where Doakes went down the wrong path (death), I think Quinn is gonna not try and turn Dexter in, but will keep Dexter's other life a secret and possibly encourage it, and

Dual escapes?
So… before this two-parter started, the last we saw of Krycek, he was stuck in a room alone with that UFO and the black cancer, and he was screaming at the door, hoping someone would get him out. Then, the last we see of Mulder, is that the burly Russian guy is gonna cut his arm off but not really, then

That last quote should be:
"I could kill you whenever I please… but not today." Just like the last line of his first novel.

That would be awesome Todd if you add Human Target. I really enjoyed season 2 and I hope the retooling helps and doesn't hurt the show.

I'm a Good Guys fan
so I wouldn't mind reading these write-ups after every new Good Guys episode.

Only one episode per review?
Gotta say, I'm somewhat disappointed about that but excited nonetheless