
Of course, it's not THAT weird; young kids' early crushes follow notoriously random logic, no? (Hey, even adult crushes aren't entirely predictable…)

"innocent (enough)". Wait, was there some sense in which he was less than 100% innocent, just a normal person decent scientist working on making better food for the world?

It's weird… He's not listed in this on imdb. What's going on?

"And she looked good in the leather". Well, she may not be Eddie Murphy Delirious funny, but at least she's Eddie Murphy: Delirious stylish, then.

Well, he tried…

Yes, but, alas, they did not provide a Spoiler Space.

Woody Allen famously doesn't attend the ceremonies.

"A Hindustani"? What? I've just about never heard "Hindustani" used as a ethnonym, and if it were, it would surely describe those North Indians/Pakistanis who speak Hindustani (i.e., Hindi or Urdu) or related languages. But Aziz Ansari's family is Tamilian (i.e., South Indian and speaking a language not at all related

Great. Yet another movie centered around the narrative contrivance of an MPDG (Multiple Personality Disorder Guy). When will Hollywood learn?…

That wasn't real (and certainly not really about Beck Bennett); that was an adaptation to film of a piece of writing ("How to Lose Weight in 4 Easy Steps") by Aaron Bleyaert.

How is multiculturalism violent?

Irish? I guess if I thought about it I could list some Irish-American comedians, but how much American comedy is identifiably, distinctively Irish?

Oh, shit. How is this comment so low-rated? This is some powerful fridge logic.

John McCain drinks; there in fact an anecdote Hillary Clinton tells of the time she and McCain engaged in a vodka drinking contest.

What's the pun in "C. Redfield"?

There were some high status black characters (e.g., the woman Lacie bumped into as she was getting into the cab), but it did seem like the world of high status folk was still largely whitewashed. But that was probably more an unintentional effect of whitewashed TV/film industry casting than an intentional effect in

I'm pretty sure all we ever see is Nasir's own hand on his back, as he showers himself…

Almost every classic Disney movie features a love arc, so… Perhaps you're of the opinion this was wrong to do (and it's certainly unfortunate how so many of them support the narrative of a woman's life being all about finding her Prince Charming), but I join the mainstream in thinking it's perfectly fine FOR KIDS to

From the review: "(To say nothing of Netflix’s own Master Of None.)"

Incidentally, as a fun piece of trivia relevant to this thread, I note that Norm MacDonald actually wrote the original SNL Celebrity Jeopardy sketches. (Primarily so he could find an opportunity to play Burt Reynolds, who was originally Trebek's primary foil, until Norm was booted from SNL, at which point Darrell