blithered on gigglejuice

I've heard he's an extremely gracious and polite man, and I really do appreciate him as an actor despite the recent years of his career. I shouldn't have resorted to such hyperbole. Hyperbole is worse than ten consecutive Holocausts.

I dunno about TV, but "Drive" proved it can work just fine for film.

It's not available on my platform. Can I borrow your platform for a minute? I'll give it right back.

I'm not entirely convinced Criminal Minds doesn't take place in the DC universe.

If I ever meet Al Pacino I hope to have a copy of Jack and Jill on me, and I'll ask him to autograph it. As he does, I'll tell him "I haven't really watched much of your other stuff. Hahaha, I've never even seen any of the Goodfellas movies!" When we say goodbye, I'll call him "Mr. Walken". If he shakes my hand I'll

I'm a diagnosed schizophrenic with some pretty strong feelings about the portrayal of the mentally ill in media, and have posted here on that subject a couple times. I'm not quite sure how I feel about movies like this one seems to be: that is, horror-comedies about the darkly wacky antics of a deranged murderer.

He died, like so many young men of his generation, he died before his time. In your wisdom, Lord, you took him, as you took so many bright flowering young men at Calais, at Crécy, at Badon Hill. These young men gave their lives.

I don't feel great about upvoting this, but I'm doing it anyway.

Enjoy your compulsory viewing of Terminator: Genisys! Bring bourbon!

The best way to prevent this is to find yourself some armor that's totally *click-click*

Of course that was the name we chose. I didn't even bother mentioning it because, come on, ya'll knew.

A week or two before the Fault In Our Stars movie came out, some friends and I made a pact: we'd be there opening night - each in seats far removed from each other, in order to maximize our blast radius - after a massive dinner of corned beef brisket, sauerkraut, onions, and that Spicy Garlic sauce from Buffalo Wild

"There's always a guy in there!" Haha, fucking classic!

Absolutely no need to apologize! As I mentioned in another post, I'm a diagnosed schizophrenic. So I, too, have a very low tolerance for that sort of bullshit.

The only thing that keeps my disgust of MRAs from devolving into fullblown despair and rage is the fact that they've proven themselves utterly incapable of scoring any kind of positive PR whatsoever. It's bad enough that they exist at all; just imagine how much worse things would be if they actually had any power or

Me too. I think the closest we've ever come is "A Beautiful Mind".

But it's nonetheless vastly superior to, say, Criminal Minds: a kind of network primetime Two Minutes Hate in which everyone with a mental illness and/or personality disorder is portrayed as a deranged murderer of Batman villain-level proportions.

I watched the first several minutes or so of this movie many years ago, and turned it off because it made me intensely uncomfortable in a way I was never able to adequately describe. Now that I myself have been diagnosed with schizophrenia, I've often thought of revisiting it to see if perhaps that was the reason why.

I don't mean to make light of a violent murder, but "ex-Power Ranger stabs roommate to death with sword" sounds like a deleted subplot from a Shane Black screenplay.

Ward. Young ward. It's not weird.