
Johnny, does your mother still hang out at dock side bars?

If you haven't listened to the "Julia with Blue Jeans On" album than you are truly depriving yourself of a beautiful and awe inspiring Moonface album. His piano playing is front and centre and you get to hear a more personal side from Krug that's never been on display in other projects.

The amazing "Into the Night" with Jeff Goldblum was my first Michelle movie. She's incredible in it. And her acting ain't bad either!

I've always wanted to watch this, thanks for finding it! I doubt it can match the emotion of the original story but it's got great talent involved at least.

I will always watch the 'burbs for that scene alone. Cracks me up every time.

"Looks like the blacks have the upper hand, helter skelter here we come."

Spent the afternoon drinking beer and listening to easy star all-stars reggae version of this. I may not be fitter, but I am happier.

No surprises there.

Not true. Poor people are needed to keep the economy going. They're allowed just enough money to buy Walmart crap.

No doubt! I'm sure I did the same!

In the late 70s-early 80s, I would go grocery shopping every Saturday with my dad. I was always so excited for these trips because I knew after my dad went to the bank, that we would stop at Woolco (Canada's early Walmart type store). As my dad stopped to check out the latest book releases, I ran to the toys, knowing

But as Mike stated, Doug was "manufactured". Via the ring perhaps?

So Doug Jones was wearing the Owl Cave Ring, seen several times in FWWM….completely different usage here though.

I had the pleasure of meeting Bernie last year in Toronto and he signed some swamp thing and bat man art. He didn't seem sick at all and was happy to chat. What struck me was how nobody was going to his table, this true one of a kind artist, and instead just flocking to the latest trendy guy. I'm glad I got to meet

I just watched POTA for the umpteenth time a couple of days ago and he really does make it almost unwatchable. He is so hammy and over the top and awkward it's amazing that the movie has become the classic it is.

So Riz played Bodhi in Rogue One.
He played a surfer in this episode.
He fucked Kylo Ren's ex-girlfriend.
I feel like this was intended by a higher power.

This trailer is actually amazing for how matter of fact the narrator lays out the plot. I mean for a movie that surely would have made waves in '86. Almost like he's talking about a sally field tear jerker type film. If this were coming out today, so much hype would be made of the gay content, that the story itself

Saw her open for car seat headrest earlier this year. I wasn't overly impressed but sometimes the album can add some layers. "Map on a Wall" was utterly amazing though. Gonna check it out.

So, I couldn't help but think that the William character was actually a flashback to the MIB's character's first visit to the park. The park storylines were slightly different from last week so maybe these are older ones. Perhaps his interaction with Delores, seeing something in her (that wasn't there) is what started

I'm not getting in the middle of this pun thread.