Cody II

Christie: "YAY!"

Time for us to start selling already! Supposedly we passed up on a chance at a top 100 AAA prospect for Duda 2 weeks ago.

Some day we'll get that 70 mm production of Macho Grande we've all been hoping for.

You need to watch out for his boss.

Where do you think the wenches are going to go now? The hall of presidents.

That rainbow connection was very structurally sound.

It's their snowfort.

I still don't know why Bernie Sanders married her.

Was this college town Provo, Utah?

It says something about 2017 that, while I know the reference and find it funny in the proper context, there's no way I'm upvoting anything even fake pro-nazi.

It doesn't have to be his plan to be a distraction. A spider falling from the roof of my car is a distraction, causing me to hit a busload of nuns and orphans, but I don't think the spider planned it.

How old does a squirrel have to be to be considered underage?

2. If they have had their looks surgically altered to conform to socieiy's preferences, that should also be mocked.

I am onboard with him being considered an Anti-President.

Military outfit Saddam, or spider-hole bedhead Saddam?

If only we could take him back. But does Macy's even sell trumpster fire products anymore?

I didn't even know the Chameleon was in this movie!


I was reading it last year during the election, and was upset enough at the parallels. I don't know that I could have finished it after November.

If there's one quote we have run into the ground and through the other side into the Indian Ocean, it's "Shut the fuck up, Donny"