
Empire crushed them all, they had more viewers than the Walking dead!

Yes please answer it I am not being facetious!

They set the stage for another rollercoaster ride next season. Luscious does not know about the coupe, he knows that someone snitched on him about Bunkie.
Luscious took the wind out of Cookie's sails when he stunned her with the knowledge that everyone in Empire made a fool of her (no seat on the board). They did not

I completely agree with you, this show is actually sophisticated. People for the most part have not progressed enough in regards to culture to appreciate sophisticated nuance associated with a drama about rap and hip hop. I am appalled looking through the reviews. It is a painful indictment on the social standing

I am divided about that. I agree with everything that you said, but there is a lot of drama and arguments and fights and shootings connected to the hip hop rap world, so they might be able to get away with that kind of over the top unrealism of this scence?

It was a sophisticated nuanced allusion to the kind of male chauvanistic misogyny that permeates rap. Luscious himself has called women ho's in code on this show. He was taking a hard stance to try to hide his anger. He was being macho and trying to say in effect "You can have the ho, I don't want her anymore". He

It was a comback to Hakeem's childish snide joke. She stands up to them in a good way. People that work for privileged people have to find a way to give them their respect and deference while maintaining their own personal respect and individuality.


i know what you meant!

Jamal showed his intense love for her by just walking away. He did not insult her or talk harshly to her. He knows Luscious killed Bunkie. Jamal is not going to let the Empire fall, he has stepped into Luscious's shoes and that means Empire first, drama later. Cookie will get back on Luscious's good side, what

He did not turn on her he was busy and Cookie is okay with it, she will wait until the concert is over and she will get Luscious back too. Please!!!!!!

He did not turn on her, he had to do the concert. That is why she let him go without trying to defend herself. She will talk to him later.

They are not rushing through anything. They introduced a whole lot of plot lines in the finale and they continued plot lines from the earlier part of the season. Empire is classic soap, they could stretch this show out for well over 10 years if they do not let socio-cultural politics get in the way.

People expect this show to be dynasty. It is not. It is a very original show and it needs to be viewed that way.

See episode 3

No, Anika threatened Cookie and she made reference to her pearls in the threat and so Cookie was making fun of the fact that she beat Anika up and disturbed her pearls.

Cookie was mocking Anika because she told Cookie in one of the earlier episodes that she could slice her throat without disturbing her pearls. Looks like she couldn't do it after all.

Like she said, they may not see it that way. There are many legitimate self defense prisoners unjustly serving time right now.

doesn't need it. He has used Luscious Lyon for decades now and the courts and legal system will honor a longstanding assumed name that is known to belong to the person.

This time the broom scene was redemption. This show is sophisticated. It has a lot of nuance that most people do not catch. I did not like Luscious and Jamal's duet.