
It was as unexpected as the '90s swing revival - and suddenly there were Brian Setzer fans again!

I just made hesitation marks after reading that!

Great part in that downer of a show The Affair. Worth checking out.

The lovable scamp that saves you if the cap comes off of the table salt and ruins your meal? The devilish rake that can get the exact right amount of salt on your theater popcorn?

(switches to grayscale)

The AV Club, etc

I just came here to say "GANGLAAAAAAND, where the jailbirds DIEEEEEEEEEEE!"

He needs to stay away from this lightweight garbage and do the action thing. Walking Tall would have been much better if they played it as serious as the original.

She was crazy hot around the millennium, but wow, don't look her up now. Save yourselves!


BEEF! I think I have had the Muffin Man (Beefheart/Zappa) riff in my head as long as I can remember.

"his name is Christie he looks like a potato"

But it's made from Sutter's lengua!

Only thing not amazing on Sabotage is "Am I Going Insane" - what a terribly annoying chorus.

That's why Sabbath - and Ward's drums - sound so great to me. He is a blues drummer (with some jazz influences) who played hard rock and heavy metal. The guitar solos, the basslines - all heavily grounded in blues. Later on, you get the classical- based and prog-based metal guitarists (Yngwie and Trans-Siberian

Right up there with being the tallest midget

Yes! Amazing that this one was never on MST3k. I actually have the dvd!

Our culture continues to devolve into a pack of internet jackals and hyenas. Let's not let them have the final word - hopefully there are enough of us novice art appreciators out there to enjoy stuff like Clown at least intellectually.

I would go out of my way to see and hear work artists actively dislike - it is often fascinating. Artists are often far off base regarding the quality of their own work. Neil Young hates "Time Fades Away" - often seen as one of his best works.

The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind.